Labour Studies Student Survey 2022
Welcome to the Labour Studies Program Student Survey
This survey is to help the Labour Studies Program get feedback from students on how you would like to see our Programs and courses develop, and on other priorities (like events) for the Program going forward. All feedback is anonymous and confidential. Enter your email address at the end if you would like to be entered in a draw for one of two $50 Indigo gift certificates.
Q1 .     Are you declared in any of the following Labour Studies Programs?
Q2 .     If you are not in a Labour Studies Program, what is your degree?
Answer :
Q3 .     Did you know that Labour Studies offers the following programs? Check those you know about.
Labour Studies Major (120 units)
Labour Studies Minor (24 units)
Labour Studies Certificate in Workplace Rights (18 units)
Co-op Program
Q4 .     Are there other programs, like joint majors or field schools, that you think Labour Studies should develop? We welcome all ideas!
Q5 .     Would you be interested in taking any of the following courses if the Labour Studies Program offered them? Check as many as your are interested in.
A capstone or undergraduate thesis course (400 level)
Occupational health and safety
Racial capitalism
Digital work and platform economies
Policy studies in labour and employment
Urbanization and labour: work and cities around the world
Q6 .     What other new courses (type or subject) would you like to see us develop?
Q7 .     How do you think Labour Studies should be promoting equity, diversity and inclusion and tackling decolonization and systemic racism? What could we do more of that would benefit students? Please check all that apply.
Labour Studies should have an anti-racism and decolonization policy
Labour Studies should offer more courses that address decolonization and how to tackle systemic racism
Labour Studies should hold more events and seminars on these topics
Labour Studies should form partnerships with non-academic groups and organizations to offer programming on anti-racism and decolonization
Labour Studies should have an anti-racism and decolonization committee that includes students (see next question)
Q8 .     Are you interested in being a part of anti-racism and decolonization work in Labour Studies? If so, tell us now (and include your email address if we may contact you).
Q9 .     What else would you like to see the Program offer more of?
Careers events
Webinars and seminars with invited speakers
Social or networking events
Other (please go to the next question)
Q10 .     What other ideas do you have for Labour Studies at SFU?
Q11 .     How would you like us to communicate news and Program updates to you? Check all that apply.
Q12 .     Other than the options listed above, how would you like the Program to communicate with you?
Q13 .     What types of course delivery would you like to see in the Labour Studies Program? Check all that apply.
I want to be able to take online (asynchronous, self-directed) courses
I want to be able to take scheduled courses that are a blend of synchronous (in-person) and asychronous (online)
I want to take in-person classes
Q14 .     Are there any positive aspects of remote learning that you want us to keep? What are they?
Q15 .     Do you have any other feedback for us?
Q16 .     Do you want to be entered into the draw for two $50 Indigo gift certificates? If yes, please enter your email below.

©1999-2024 , Simon Fraser University Session Expires: 2024-07-27 04:52 AM