SFU Summer Bootcamp registration (Burnaby Campus)
NOTE: If you need to print out this registration form, you must print it BEFORE clicking "Submit".
Q1 .     Please select one of the workshops
French Immersion - July 9-13, 2018  
Core French - July 16-20, 2018  
Q2 .     Contact information
Name : *
Address :
City :
Province :
Postal Code :
Phone :
Mobile :
Email : *
Q3 .     School district
SD : *
Q4 .     School where you teach
School :
Q5 .     Grades taught
Grades :
Q6 .     Years of teaching Core French or French Immersion
Years :
Q7 .     Self-assessed level of oral French (listening and speaking). Please select one of the following levels.
Q8 .     Emergency contact (name and telephone)
Emergency contact :
Q9 .     Special requests (food allergies, medical conditions, other allergies) if any
Q10 .     What are your expectations of this camp?
NOTE: If you need to print out this registration form, you must print it BEFORE clicking "Submit".

©1999-2024 , Simon Fraser University Session Expires: 2024-07-27 04:04 AM