Sound Sensitivity in Autism
Title Page

Principal Investigator

Dr. Elina Birmingham, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Phone: (778) 782 9392, Email:


Dr. Grace Iarocci, Professor, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Phone: (778) 782 6746, Email:

Dr. Siamak Arzanpour, Associate Professor, Mechatronics Systems Engineering, Simon Fraser University, Phone: (778)-782-8535, Email:

Introduction and Purpose

We are interested in understanding how individuals with ASD experience sound sensitivity, and in learning what strategies they employ to cope with these issues. It is hoped that this data may inform the design of innovative technological solutions in a future study.

Study Procedures

If you choose to participate in this study, you will be asked to fill out an online survey that asks about your child’s experiences with sounds in their environment. We will ask you to describe how sound has impacted your child’s life, as well as what kinds of strategies you have used to help your child cope with sound. Your total time commitment should you choose to participate will be approximately 30 minutes. There are 55 questions. As a thank-you for your time we will give you the option to be entered into a draw to win a $100 gift card to

The survey is anonymous. Neither your name, your child’s name, nor any other identifying information will be associated with the online survey. Only the principal investigator and co-investigators will have access to the data. Data will be securely stored on a locked computer in Dr. Birmingham’s lab at Simon Fraser University. The data will be stored until December 2025. Excerpts from the survey may be reproduced in whole or in part for use in presentations or written products that result from this study. Neither your name, your child’s name, nor any other identifying information will be used in presentations or in written products resulting from this study.


If you choose to participate, confidentiality will be assured. All data will be maintained in locked filing cabinets and on a password-protected computer that is locked in Dr. Birmingham’s lab at SFU. The data will be coded by a numeric system and analyzed as group data. Data will be stored until 2025. The survey is anonymous, meaning that no identifying information is linked with the data. Your privacy and that of your child will be protected in any scientific publication or presentation resulting from this study and individual participants will not be identified.

There are no known risks involved in participating in this study. Benefits of participating in this study include the development of new knowledge about sound sensitivity in autism.

Contact for information about the study

If you have any questions about this study or would like more information, please contact Elina Birmingham, Phone: (778) 782 9392, Email:

Contact for concerns about the rights of research subjects

If you have any concerns about your rights as a research participant and/or your experiences while participating in this study, you may contact Dr. Jeffrey Toward, Director, Office of Research Ethics at or 778-782-6593.

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