Fall 2024 Science Peer Mentor Application
Science Peer Mentorship

Hello! Thank you for your interest in the Science Peer Mentorship program, which aims to offer support and connection to new students coming to SFU this fall.

This program runs from late summer to throughout the fall term, though many times mentors and mentees continue their strong personal relationship beyond the role's end date. Through one-on-one check-ins and helping new students get acclimated to SFU, peer mentors are role models, advocates, and bridges to campus resources and communities.

Note this application is for the Faculty-wide program coordinated by Carmen Ho. If you are instead interested in the Biology or BPK departmental mentorship programs, please contact the Biology Academic Advisor or the BPK Student Association respectively. If you have any questions about Science Peer Mentorship, please email Carmen at sci_engagement@sfu.ca.

Q1 .     Contact Information
First Name : *
Last Name : *
Preferred Name (if different than above) :
SFU Email Address : *
SFU Student Number : *
Phone Number : *
Pronouns (Optional) :
Q2 .     What best describes your status as a student?
Domestic student
International student
Q3 .     What was your basis of admission into SFU?
High school student
University/college transfer
Fraser International College transfer
Q4 .     What campus(es) would you be able to meet your mentee at?
Q5 .     Have you been a mentor in an SFU mentorship program before?
Q6 .     What department(s) or program(s) do you belong to?
Q7 .     Please list some of the programs and groups you have been involved with at SFU
Q8 .     Please describe how your personal background, academic interests, and life experiences inform your interest in being part of the Science Peer Mentorship Team?
Q9 .     SFU welcomes a diverse population of students from various backgrounds, personal experiences, and interests. What would you do to help ensure your mentees feel welcome to the SFU community? Feel free to use past experiences in your example.
Q10 .     Would you like to be contacted about other volunteer opportunities within the Faculty of Science?
Q11 .     How did you hear about this opportunity?
From a friend/classmate
From staff (advisor, engagement coordinator, etc.)
From a faculty member
From a union executive
Social media
myInvolvement webpage

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