Peer Mentorship Meetings
Submit your request to Chat with a Mentor!

We would like to provide you with an opportunity to connect with some amazing Faculty of Education Peer Mentors! You can submit the form below to schedule a meeting during regular Peer Mentor Office Hours; or if you have an assigned mentor and prefer to meet outside of the office hours, you may contact your mentor directly. Peer Mentors are happy to talk more about the Peer Mentorship Program or discuss topics such as Friends of Simon, how to get more involved with ESA (Education Students Association), SFU Exploration Day, SFU Welcome Day Leader, SFU Summit Leader, and many other amazing on-campus or off-campus opportunities. Go ahead and schedule a session - they would love to meet and chat with you!

Peer Mentor Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Education Building - EDB8501

Please make sure to submit your request via this WebSurvey 24 hours in advance. Peer Mentors may not be present for Office Hours if there are no scheduled meetings.

Q1 .     Name
Answer :
Q2 .     Email
Answer :
Q3 .     Who is your assigned mentor if you have one?
Answer :
Q4 .     Questions or topics would you like to discuss during this meeting
Q5 .     What day works best for you to meet a mentor at 12:30 to 1:30

©1999-2024 , Simon Fraser University Session Expires: 2024-04-26 11:45 AM