Eldercare workers survey
About the survey This survey is part of the project "Workers in the Aging City: Eldercare Labour Markets in Vancouver and Shanghai". The lead researchers are Dr. Kendra Strauss (SFU) and Dr. Feng Xu (UVic). More information on the project can be found here: http://www.sfu.ca/eldercareworkers.html. Dr. Kendra Strauss can be reached at kstrauss@sfu.ca and Dr. Feng Xu can be reached at fengxu@uvic.ca. In addition, you may verify the ethical approval of this study, or raise any concerns you might have, by contacting the Human Research Ethics Office at the University of Victoria (250-472-4545 or ethics@uvic.ca).

The purpose of this survey is to gather information from eldercare workers about their experiences on the job. We are doing research on pay, conditions, and types of employment in the sector. We would like to hear from home support workers, care aides, community health workers, domestic workers, residential support workers and anyone else with experience of paid work looking after the elderly in Vancouver. Please feel free to share the survey link with friends and co-workers in the sector.

What is involved Filling in this survey is completely voluntary. The survey is anonymous, unless you choose to provide your email address at the end for an interview (and this will not be linked to your earlier answers). All data will be held securely, in Canada, in accordance with Canadian privacy and data protection laws. The anonymized data from this survey may be used when we share the results of the study, in the following ways: presentations at scholarly meetings; published articles, book chapters or books; information briefings for organizations in Canada.This survey uses SFU Survey, which stores all information in Canada on SFU’s servers. The anonymized data from this survey will be stored securely for 5 years and then deleted.

Q1 .     Do you agree to take part in this online survey?
Q2 .     First, please tell us a little about yourself. How do you prefer to describe your gender?
Q3 .     What is your age?
Q4 .     Were you born in Canada?
Q5 .     Are you a Canadian citizen?
Q6 .     How would you describe your race or ethnicity? For example, White, Black, Filipino, Chinese, Aboriginal...Please answer in the space provided:
Answer :
Q7 .     Now, tell us a bit about your work. What kind of job do you do?
Q8 .     If you answered "other" in the previous question, please type in your job title in the space provided:
Answer :
Q9 .     How long have you been in your current job?
Less than 6 months  
6-12 months  
1-2 years  
2-3 years  
3-5 years  
5-10 years  
More than 10 years  
Q10 .     How much do you get paid per hour?
Less than $12.65  
Between $12.65 - $15  
Between $15-$20  
Between $20-30  
Q11 .     Which of the following best describes your work arrangement? Please select all that apply:
Q12 .     Are you a member of a union?
I don't know  
Q13 .     What do you like best about your job?
Q14 .     What is the hardest part of your job?
Q15 .     Have you ever been injured doing your job? If so, what kind of injury have you experienced?
Q16 .     Have you ever experienced wage theft? That is, have you ever not been paid by your employer?
Q17 .     In addition to your paid job, do you provide unpaid care? Please select all that apply:
My children
My parents or parent
Other relatives
Q18 .     Do any of these people for whom you provide care live outside of Canada?
Q19 .     How does working in Vancouver affect your job? Check all that apply.
Transport (length of commute)
Transport (cost)
Housing (cost)
Housing (distance to work)
General cost of living
Q20 .     Is there anything else you can tell us about doing this work in Vancouver?
Q21 .     Can we contact you about a follow up interview? If so, please provide a contact email address:
Answer :

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