OJS - Journal Curriculum
Title Page
This survey is to assess community needs for curriculum related to journal publishing. Note: this is not about "How-to" use OJS, but more about issues, experiences, and skills needed to make journal publishing happen and happen in a meaningful and exciting way. All things going well, results of the survey will be posted to the PKP/OJS forum here
Overview of feature
I am collecting feedback on the idea of creating a Curriculum Developer role for OJS. The new role would allow journals to create curriculum (e.g., plans for study that could include, reading material, exercises, quizzes, etc.) for people who run the journal (e.g., journal manager, reviewers, editors, etc.). Curriculum modules could be shared (imported/exported) between various OJS journals.

A real example of this is found at the British Medical Journal that has published materials for reviewers. (I don't know if they have materials for their editorial team.)

A scenario is:

"Dr. Smith is the journal manager and would like to do a study the impact factor of the journal. This is new to her and the journal. She contacts a colleague at a related journal who shares a OJS curriculum module (licensed under a Creative Commons license) on 'Calculating Journal Metrics'. She imports the module into her journal. Every other day over lunch, she spends 30 minutes going through the module. She learns about the history of journal metrics, perspectives on journal metrics (critiques & alternatives), and ways of calculating them. She reads a few articles, goes through a few sample exercises, and then takes a quiz to makes sure that all her time spent studying was worth it. Six months later she presents an impact factor study, modified for her journal, at an annual conference."
Q1 .     Do you think an OJS feature that allows individual journals to develop and share curriculum (e.g., short learning modules for Journal managers, Editors, Reviewers, etc) is needed in a thriving journal publishing community? (all comments are welcomed)
Q2 .     What skills, activities, or knowledge would help you, your peers, or anyone run a journal successfullyl?

©1999-2024 , Simon Fraser University Session Expires: 2024-04-20 02:06 AM